Category: Design Tips

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Ten Lessons to Help you Get Started in Instructional Design

  We understand that kicking off your Instructional Design or eLearning endeavors can be a daunting task due to the information overload related to theories, cognitive practices, tools, and guidelines. Hence, we’ve...

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Here is Everything You Wanted to Know about Micro-Learning

Learning is a lifelong process. We are constantly learning new things daily, be it through web searches, Social Media, or even by observing others do their jobs. For most of us, knowledge acquisition occurs in small pieces,...

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Seeing is Learning: Some Visualization Tips

Seeing is Learning: Some Visualization Tips

ThE rEaSoN I aM sTaRtInG tHiS bLoG iN sUcH a MaNnEr Is To InDiCaTe ThE sIgNiFiCaNcE oF...

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Being Simple at Design

Being Simple at Design

A training is defined as successful only if it meets the learning objectives. Whereas, the...

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