Author: lokeshsahaladmincnc

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Transform your ID Processes for Success with the 3 Cs

Transform your ID Processes for Success with the 3 Cs

Everything is easier said than done. Wanting something is easy. Saying something is easy. The challenge and reward are in the doing. ~ Steve Maraboli Why is creating a training course easier said than done? This is because the process of Instructional Design includes a plethora of jobs that need to be juggled simultaneously. With each training, Instructional Designers have to continually manage topic ideation, content research, effective application of learning theories, projects, and client and business needs. Tasks related to these items are necessary, but they can make course design and development overwhelming. And, it doesn’t end there! Even after the...

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Writing with Clarity for Effective Instructional Design

Anyone who’s ever written will know that writing is not a solitary act. It is a process that encompasses a number of distinct jobs that include: Researching Writing Editing Let’s start at the beginning – when you just have a vague idea about what you want to write. Next, you research to streamline your thoughts and ideas. The next logical step is to assimilate all that data from research and use it to write something that flows and has meaning. However, how can you ensure that each time you write the result is consistently good? What process leads to...

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Slide Sorter = Flow Sorter

Typically, we use the Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint to move, delete, or copy slides. Well, that’s what its function is. However, the Slide Sorter view has another implicit function for us as Instructional Designers – it’s an amazing tool to review the course flow. You can use this view to get a holistic picture of your course and check whether the course is flowing as you intended or if the current flow ensures that the course objectives are met or not. What’s the big deal, you say? You do all that in the Normal view anyway? Well, the...

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Going Analog in Digital Age

Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. ~ Aldous Huxley Here is a simplistic view of the way we typically start a project: Get an email from client/manager with project details Use the needs analysis conducted by a consultant Download the latest version of all templates and begin designing and developing the course Chunk content Work with multimedia teams to integrate courses Release the course In reality, the process is much more detailed and involves various reviews and revisions. You also spend a significant amount of time in managing the project. However, this...

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