I used Check-n-Click as my sole offshore resource for three years, starting at Eloqua and continuing after Eloqua was acquired. We started out with 2 Instructional Designers. Over the course of the three years, the Check-n-Click team has grown to 11 individuals who are solely dedicated to specific modern marketing platforms. This growth has also included an Editor, a Graphic Designer and a Software Programmer. These individuals have supported the Check-n-Click designers as well as the North American team of designers. Lokesh Sahal has acted as onsite project manager the entire three years. His oversight has resulted in recruiting very talented individuals who are committed to learning the technology and lingo of modern marketing in both the B2B and B2C realms. Lokesh pushes himself and his employees to be innovative and find new ways to engage the learner. He is a thought leader in instructional design and this translates across the team. During the three years, this team has developed product expertise and the ability to translate complex technical topics into engaging learning – instructor-led as well as elearning. The growth and maintenance of the marketing and technology catalogs would not have been possible without Lokesh and his team. They have been instrumental in our success and in our ability to effectively maneuver in the enterprise SaaS space. Check-n-Click consistently impresses and goes above and beyond what is expected. It is always a pleasure to work with them.

Mindy Barenblat

Education Development Manager, Enterprise SaaS