Author: lokeshsahaladmincnc

Movies and E-learning: Part Two

This post continues from the Part One post on Movies and E-learning. Duration How it happens in movies: Along with the script’s quality, the duration of a movie also influences the audience experience, significantly. Recall the experience from a movie in which you slept through the movie. You couldn’t keep yourself up, because of the Movie’s pace or length. Several stories fall flat on the Box Office only because of their stretched duration. Their content or message may be great, but it could not hold the audience attention for the duration of the movie. How it can happen in...

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Movies and E-learning: Part One

Wait a minute! Is this a discourse on movies or elearning? Well, it’s the latter – being learning professionals, we can’t overlook one of the most prevalent, but not so literal, medium of learning – the Movies. But, how? Well, recall your experience or feelings after watching your favorite movie? Did it make you sad, happy, or inspire you? The movie, effectively, could have influenced your behavior or provided you with knowledge that changed your behavior. Now what do we aim to achieve with our well-designed courses? In most cases, it is a change in learner behavior/performance through knowledge....

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Seeing is Learning: Some Visualization Tips

Seeing is Learning: Some Visualization Tips

ThE rEaSoN I aM sTaRtInG tHiS bLoG iN sUcH a MaNnEr Is To InDiCaTe ThE sIgNiFiCaNcE oF vIsUaLiZaTiOn. My apologies if reading the above line has irritated you and thanks for continuing to read this blog. Significance of Proper Presentation If you were irritated while reading the above line, then just imagine how learners or readers might feel if they see an unorganizaed presentation or a course. Of course, you will not write any course, article, or a presentation with such alternating capitalization, but the point I am driving to is: “It is not only the content of your...

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Being Simple at Design

Being Simple at Design

A training is defined as successful only if it meets the learning objectives. Whereas, the objectives of an effective training are based on a robust and in-depth needs analysis. The needs and the derived objectives collectively influence your course design, which includes: the learning design and the visual design. After objectives, the design and the content form the meat of the course. If you manage to effectively blend the design and content, you create a strong base for a successful training. However, this is where most courses start failing. One of the reasons for this is the excess number...

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