Here is Everything You Wanted to Know about Micro-Learning

Learning is a lifelong process. We are constantly learning new things daily, be it through web searches, Social Media, or even by observing others do their jobs. For most of us, knowledge acquisition occurs in small pieces, through unstructured searches and reading on the Web. A majority of this learning happens in small chunks through sources that are not designed as formal courses, but still impart knowledge. This trend gives us Instructional Designers, an important training need indicator for the modern audience: [info ]Our learners have evolved. They may still need structured one- or three-hour long eLearning sessions or workshops that last several hours or days. However, they also want quick packets of on-demand learning that continually enhance their knowledge and skills.[/info] Such small, consumable on-demand learning packets have become popular and supply the learning that satiates the training demand. What is micro-learning? Micro-learning is the process of learning in small, digestible and manageable chunks, with focused and precise information. It is based on short-term learning activities, lesson plans, projects, and assignments. The focus is on one objective rather than a broad subject, that is, the topic is broken down into smaller information, and learners can access this information whenever they need it or even on-the-go. Thus, in micro-learning, lessons are short with no defined duration, and can be learned anytime, anywhere, at one’s own pace, via any modality....

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